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      Arctic Gear Updates

      Arctic Gear Helps Fund Art Therapy Programs

      Arctic Gear Helps Fund Art Therapy Programs
      Arc of Seneca Cayuga Executive Director, Allen Connely, said, "Arc is so pleased to be working with the Seneca County Chamber of Commerce and area financial institutions to bring about this wonderful event, which underscores our commitment to promoting inclusiveness and celebrating everyone's unique talents. We are also very excited that Arctic Gear was able to help fund part of our Art Therapy program!" Arc of Seneca Cayuga's mission is to embrace diversity by recognizing the uniqueness of each individual and by working to ensure the success of people with disabilities as they pursue lives of choice and fulfillment. The agency provides services to more than 1,200 individuals and their families in Seneca and Cayuga Counties. 

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      Art, Autism and Independence

      Art, Autism and Independence
      Both Sayles and Sargeant have credited Arc with much of the students' success in the community, as well as Arctic Gear a headwear company founded by the Arc of Seneca Cayuga and is manufactured at Finger Lakes Textiles as many of the skills learned in the arts translate to the workplace. Additionally, the funds from the purchases of the hats made for Arctic Gear go right back into providing vital services like our Digital Art Therapy Program.

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